Awning Hybrid
Hybrid Replacement Windows
Awning windows are a perfect choice for optimal air ventilation, and the only window style that lets you enjoy a breeze even when it’s raining.
With the sash hinged at the top, it projects out when opened protecting your home from the rain while allowing maximum airflow.
1 – Window combining the thermal performance of PVC on the inside with the structural strength, the aesthetics of lines and colours and the durability of enamelled extruded aluminum on the outside.
2 – Multiple chamber profiles for optimum thermal insulation.
3– Triple weather-strips located on the sash for maximum air and water tightness.
4 – 4 1/2’ ’ wide frame that puts the glass in the warm part of the wall. Furthermore, its 90 geometry allows for better water evacuation on top of being easy to clean.
5 – 3/4’ ’ wood and 1/2’ ’ drywall returns built in the frame.
6 – Removable interior screen with an enamelled aluminium frame.
7– Water evacuation without any apparent hole or cap.
8 – Member of a complete family of products (casements, awnings, horizontal sliders, vertical sliders, picture frames and entrance doors) that have similar exterior looks.
9 – Profiles extruded with a PVC compound powder which gives a glossy finish and reduces dirt adherence.

A – Brick mould.
B – Different types of glass..
C – Glass integrated grills.
D – 3/4” wood interior extension cladded with PVC (made to measure)
E – Structural sash mullion.
Product – Awning
Standard – A440
Air Inflitration – A3/F
Water Infiltration – B7
Wind Load – C5
Forced Entry – F20