Extension of the RénoVert tax credit
The period of eligibility for the RénoVert tax credit has been extended to March 31, 2019, for all recognized work including the installation of doors and windows.
The RénoVert refundable tax credit was introduced on a temporary basis to encourage individuals to invest in recognized eco-friendly home renovation work that has a positive environmental impact and improves their dwelling’s energy efficiency.
You can claim the credit if you have recognized eco-friendly home renovation work done on a dwelling you own or co-own that is your principal residence or a winterized cottage that you normally occupy. The initial construction of the dwelling must have been completed before January 1, 2016, and the dwelling must be one of the following:
- a single-family home;
- a permanently installed prefabricated house or mobile home;
- an apartment in a building held in divided co-ownership (condominium);
- an apartment in a multiple-unit residential building;
- a winterized cottage that you normally occupy.
The renovation work must have been done by a qualified contractor under a contract entered into after March 17, 2016, and before April 1, 2019.
The maximum tax credit you can claim in respect of your eligible dwelling for 2016 to 2019 is $10,000. This corresponds to 20% of the portion of your qualified expenditures paid after March 17, 2016, and before January 1, 2020, that exceeds $2,500.
If you have any questions regarding the RénoVert tax credit from the Government of Quebec, Please do not hesitate to contact us. And we will do our best answer any questions you may have.